3.15.23 Less is More - Why you will want to add sprints to your workout routine…
Now before you literally sprint away, please hear me out. What if I told you that you could spend less time working out, but improve your fitness more than ever? Sounds a little bit like one of those “too good to be true” ads that I would usually suggest running away from. BUT, this is something you will want to actually lean into.
I recently completed a Sprint 8 Training course from Johnson Health Tech. This is a 20-minute workout (including warm-up and cool down) that reduces body fat, increases cardio fitness, lowers blood pressure, and improves BMI. Surprisingly, there are a ton more benefits. Here is the research.
GOOD NEWS! You don’t actually have to do a running sprint, this will work on pretty much any device: Treadmill, cycling bike, recumbent bike, rower, elliptical. You can choose your favorite machine and do it there! I personally love doing the workout on the elliptical and a studio bike myself. Curious to try it yourself? Here is what you do:
Start with a 3-minute easy warm-up
Start your 30-second sprint/all-out MAX EFFORT
90-second easy recovery (like really easy recovery)
Repeat up to 8 times (it’s okay to not do all 8)
Cool Down for 2 1/2 minutes.
DONE! That’s it. 20 minutes total.
Here are some key things to look for to get the maximum benefits:
Muscle Burning - During your all out efforts you will feel an uncomfortable muscle burning sensation. This means you are doing it right!
Out of breath - You have to reach the point of being out of breath if you are giving a true max effort. This will put you in oxygen debt and will be uncomfortable and cause you to be in oxygen debt - which in turn releases HGH (Human Growth Hormone).
Increase in body temp - you should sweat. All good things make you sweat.
Adrenal Response - the painful, out of breath, burning lungs type of response. It will be uncomfortable, but only for a bit!
Before starting any exercise program, always consult a doctor. If you cannot complete this workout with all 8 sprints, that is OKAY. My first time I tried this, I got to 4 and was toast. You will still benefit by even doing 1 sprint! All out efforts activate our fast twitch muscle fibers that otherwise we lose since we often don’t use them in other exercise programs.
Try it out and let me know what you think! This is not an ad; there is nothing to buy here. Just pure benefit from an awesome, simple workout plan!
2.5.23 My Morning Stretch Routine
Any movement is good movement; especially if it is something you enjoy! As I have mentioned before, stretching can be the key to long, purposeful movement and exercise regimens! I made a video of some of my favorite stretches I do each morning! Feel free to do them any time during your day, as many times as needed! It is a quick way to get some feel good movement and can be used for recovery or just for a quick break in our sedentary days! Everyone has time for a 4 minute stretch :)
1.29.23 How to Beat the “Winter Blues”
I am just your typical girl from Northern Indiana trying to get through these dark, gloomy months. Here in the midwest, this is the time of year when we see very little sun and the permanent overcast sets in. Spring is still out of sight, so it is easy to lose motivation, energy, and the physical/mental energy it takes to exercise. After my 26 years of living here, I have not yet mastered how to get through these winter months perfectly, but I have been able to find some joy in these cold months! Here are some of my tips to get through the “Winter Blues.”
We can still go outside - just layer up! Yes, it is cold, but I promise you, getting that cool fresh air each day is important. If the weather is safe, go out on your normal walk, just layer up! You will feel so great and realize after a few minutes, it’s not that bad!
This is a great time to take advantage of at-home workouts on YouTube or on your favorite fitness apps! If you are stuck inside, try something new - the internet has millions of free options available! Try out some yoga, pilates, or cardio dance classes! There are endless options. Here is a like to my low-impact YouTube workouts here that include pilates, barre, and ab workouts!
Have issues with not waking up with a sunrise? This alarm clock is a game-changer! It will wake you up gently and naturally to start your morning. Get it on Amazon linked here (#ad).
Color your plates! It is so gray and gloomy outside, so this is a great time to add extra colors to your plates with fresh fruits and veggies. Try cooking up and discover new ways to add fun flavors to your diet!
Don’t forget to stay hydrated - both with your skin and body! Drink plenty of water and moisturize with whatever skin routine you have. This will keep you feeling hydrated inside and out!
1.22.23 Why Stretching is Key
People often ask me - “What is the key to moving and feeling better?” I think they expect a long-winded answer that includes some sort of magic workout regimen when really my answer is always one word and really simple - stretching. Stretching is the key to longevity. Do you want to move better, avoid injury, and be pain-free? STRETCH. No matter how many times I tell people, they still are not willing to take 5-10 minutes a day to stretch.
Working in stretching into your everyday routine is vital if you want to keep moving and avoid injury. Even if you work out, get your 10,000 steps in, and eat healthily, you still need to be sure you are getting in an adequate amount of stretching. Our body and muscles crave to move. We must use the muscles or we will lose them. If certain muscles get too weak or too tight, they will start to cause muscle pain and extra tension, and eventually, you will lose that muscle's functionality.
I encourage you to stretch multiple times a day, but start small. Start stretching while you wait for your coffee to brew in the morning - it doesn’t have to be hard! Relax your jaw, roll your neck around, do a forward fold, whatever it is! Move and stretch in ways that feel good. Consistent stretching will lead to you feeling better and moving better. Remember - a little bit can go a long way!
Try my stretching video linked here! Enjoy!
1.15.23 Power of Pilates
I used to be the type of fitness fanatic that thought the more I sweat, the quicker I move, and the harder I work, the better. I was always tired and burnt out, but not quite sure why because workouts were supposed to energize me, right? Well turns out, doing high-intensity workouts all the time starts to work against you.
A few years into my fitness career, I was approached to get a certificate in Pilates. I had taken Pilates before, and I remember it always being sneakily hard, but I didn’t burn enough calories for my liking, so I decided it was not worth my time. Well after being convinced to go into the training, I fell in love. Here is why I think absolutely EVERYBODY should have Pilates in their regular exercise regimen.
1. You learn how your body is supposed to move and be in alignment. Being conscious of this will improve your posture and stabilizer muscles through all kinds of movements.
2. It works on flexibility and strength, which improves joint health and prevents injury. You want to move for a long time, right?
3. It will support you in all your other activities – from running, lifting, and just about everything in between – Pilates will help you move better through it all.
4. It focuses on slow and controlled movements, which connect the mind to the body. Movements slowed down to focus on control, in turn, become more challenging than doing them quicker.
5. CORE, CORE, CORE! Do you want to build a strong foundation for your body? Pilates will have your core being the strongest it’s ever been!
Where to begin for Pilates? Pilates studios are often expensive. If you have the chance, go to a studio and take a class or buy a starter pack of classes!
If you are looking for a free option, take some of my follow along workouts here!
Pilates Pop Workout!
1.8.22 How to actually stick to your “New Year, New Me” goals.
We can all fall into the New Year’s Resolution trap. One day, you will just magically wake up and it’s a new year and we are going to change everything about our lives. Unfortunately, that is not the most effective way to change your life. Growing in your life, whether it is physical or mental, takes a lot of time, discipline, and discomfort. Nothing I say is groundbreaking here - in order to make a change, you have to put in the work. Every day will look different. Not every day will be a step forward, but that is the direction you have to push towards, even if life sets you back a few steps. You must stay the course. Here are some things to keep in mind when setting your goals this year:
Start with little changes. You will not wake up at 5 am and work out every day if you have not already built that habit. If you really want to get that morning workout in at 5 am…GREAT! You CAN do it. But start with maybe 1-2 times during the week and make the workout something you ENJOY doing. It will make getting out of bed more purposeful if you can find joy.
Going off of point #1: FIND THE JOY in movement! You should not dread the workouts. If you dread the workout, you need to find another workout routine. You should move because it feels great and energizes you. Not every workout needs to kill you (in fact, most workouts shouldn’t).
Just because you miss one day, does not mean you failed. Most often, people will skip a workout and then throw in the towel. This is a part of life. Things come up and get in the way - but the most important thing is how you respond when circumstances are not perfect (which they almost never are). Instead of making excuses, get back up - that is a part of your journey. How do you respond when you have skipped the last two workouts? You show up for yourself the next day.
You cannot do it all. Things that you want will take compromise. Say no to things that do not serve you to make room for growth and change. Sometimes getting in movement means saying no to things and people that do not serve you or are not supporting your positive changes.
Step outside of your comfort zone! Go to that workout class - try a few out! I am a fitness instructor and I STILL get nervous going to a new class at a new studio. If this is you, congratulations, you are human. We all feel intimidated but go back to the class a few times to get more comfortable, introduce yourself to people, and don’t be afraid to be new to something. That is often where the most growth lies! And guess what: most people are nice and will help you to be sure you know what you are doing.